Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Self Defense/Martial Arts {Tuesday Tips}

Nearly two months have passed since I was assaulted, and I have done a lot of healing and strengthening. However, I don't necessarily feel any safer out in the world, so it's finally time to improve my self-defense skills. I've decided to accomplish this in two stages: (1) Learn quickly some very basic self-defense moves that can be applied in simple assault situations, and (2) Study some discipline of martial arts well enough to be able to handle myself in just about any attack scenario.

Stage 1 I think I can figure out on my own. I have a few leads on some people I can contact who can show me some moves -- I just need to get my butt in gear and DO IT already!

Stage 2 is where I need some help. I don't have a clue which discipline of martial arts I should study. There are so many options -- karate, taekwondo, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, just to name a few! I've only just begun to research them, and I don't trust myself to make a decision based on what I read online. I would love some advice from people who have firsthand knowledge of one or more disciplines.

Here are some basic facts about me that might help you guide me:
- I'm tall and fairly big-framed.
- I'm currently very overweight and out of shape, but I'm working on correcting that. :)
- Time and money are always limited in my world.
- I don't plan to compete and I'm not seeking out a spiritual experience.
- My primary interest is self defense and being able to neutralize threats quickly if necessary.

Please tell me what you think I should try, and why! Thanks!

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