Wednesday, February 5, 2014

First Setback Overcome

Naturally, when I wrote my last post, I had every intention of moving forward, building momentum, and charging toward my new goals of getting strong and fast.

Instead, I spent two weeks battling strep throat.

After a round of antibiotics and lots of rest, I'm feeling well again and my motivation has returned. I resumed running this week and will resume my ab workouts soon as well.

I have to say, I jumped back into exercise in order to improve my physical health and personal safety, but I already can tell that it's having a positive effect on my mental health as well. My emotions and thoughts have been all over the place the past few weeks, and I've had more bad days than good. But working out boosts my mood every single time, even when it's just a few ab exercises. I'm willing to cling to anything healthy that makes me smile and makes me feel like I have any control whatsoever over my life.

My plan is to try to write more often, especially the weekly updates, because it helps me keep track of my progress. I'm still trying to decide what all I'm going to monitor in light of my new goals. Hopefully I'll have all that figured out in time for an update on Monday or Tuesday to cover this week. Meanwhile, be on the lookout for posts on other topics as well. The Olympics start this week, so I'm sure to be inspired!

Thanks for everyone's kind words to me here or on Facebook. I've been buoyed by your support and will continue to rely on it. I am blessed to know so many wonderful people who truly care about my well-being!

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